nove vestine samoodbrane Ljubomir Vracarevic osnovao je u 27 zemalja
sveta 196 skola realnog aikidoa, kroz koje je do sada proslo 120
hiljada ucenika.
Lo s i momci nemaju sanse
aikido daje zenaina mogucnost da tehnike prilagode sebi i svojoj
konstituciji, a da ne gube na zenstvenosti. Naprotiv, da postanu jos
ljupkije i gipkije zbog jacanja samosvesti - da znaju i sta hoce i sta
mogu. A mogu mnogo... Moja starija kci Ana (23) trenira osamnaestgodina
i ima crni pojas 4. Dan, najvise zvanje u svetu za zene, a mlada Sanja
(1 5) vezba jedanaest godina i ima deciji crni pojas. Specificnost
tehnike realnog aikidoa su kretanja, odnosno izbegavanja napada
protivnika. Pokreti su eksplozivni, hitri, puni rotirajucih kretnji,
tako da majstori realnog aikidoa mogu da se odbrane od dva i vise
napadaca. Pokreti izbegavanja koriste se u prvom momentu, monnentu
napada. Vec u sledecem momentu, koristi se jedna od veoma upotrebljivih
poluga kojima se blokira protivnik. Time se iskazuje superiornost, a
nepovreduje napadac, sto i jeste krajnji cilj.
sam telohranitelje za nekoliko predsednika raznih zemalja sirom sveta:
Mugabea, Gadafija, Gligorova, Nuzarbajeva... Obuka za telohranitelje
spada medu najkompleksniie. Zahteva rad po etapama u svim mogucim i
nemogucim situacijama. Mnoge detalje, od Mugabea do carske palate u
Tokiju, opisao sam u mojoi knjizi "Obucavao sam telohranitelje".
Simulacija obuke je maksimalna, kao u dobrom filmu. Aranziram situacije
na moru, u vodi, vazduhu, u pustinji, na planini, u avionu ili brodu,
bilo gde. Cesto se scenari|i granice sa fantazijom, ali svaki ucenik
igra svoju ulogu, kao u realnim okolnostima.
rad sa malom decom osmislio sam pedesetak tehnika kojima ona, kroz
igru, usvajaju osnovne elemente reagovanja, pomeranja i sklan|anja sa
linije napada. Sto |e nojvaznije, pospesujemo im motoriku, sto ce im
kasnije u zivotu itekako koristiti. S decom stalno razgovaramo,
ob|asn|avamo im kada mogu i smeju da upotrebe odredenu tehniku da se
zastite. Program za decu se primen|u|e u nekoliko zemal|a sveta.
Zahvaljujuci njemu, ja sam od Ruske akademije nauka dobio veliko
priznanje -Prvi akademik realnog aikidoa i dziu dzice na svetu. U
hantimasinskom regionu u Sibiru deca iz 12 skola vec sest godina uce
realni aikido. Sta mislite kakav je ucinak? Najveci problem u tim
gradovima, upotreba droge medu decom, smanjen je 30 do 40 odsto.
Rusi su me uvrstili u "Morzeve"
obuke je surova, bas kao i ruska zima. Ali, ako redovno trenirate,
organizam ocvrsne. U Rusiji sam u vise navrata drzao obuku za tzv.
"alfe", specijalne jedinice ruske armije. Imali smo obicaj da posle
saune, u kojoj je izmedju 100 i 120 stepeni Celzijusovih, zajedno
izademo napolje i da se, onako bez odece, uvaljamo u sneg, na
temperaturi od -42 stepena. Znate li sta vam se moze dogoditi: ako
sopstveno uho uhvatite rukom, ono vam ostone u ruci. To mi se umalo
nije dogodilo u Sibiru, ali me je na vreme sprecio jedan "alfa". Inace,
Rusi zimi motornim testerama seku led i onda pliva|u. Sport celici.
Zato sam na ulaz u Svetski centar realnog aikidoa u Beogradu okacio
prastaru mudrost japanskih samuraja:
"Pojedinac moze mnogo vise od onogo sto veruje da moze, ako do kraja veruje da moze".
U borilackim sportovima nema mesta sujeti
sa obukom, polaznici realnog aikidoa uce se i samokontroli i
plemenitosti. Ponekad, medutim, u borilacke sportove zalutaju i Ijudi
koji ne mogu da se izbore sa svojim manama i ko|i vole da provociraju.
Bio sam skoro u kinesko| provinci|i Sing Jang u kojoj su zainteresovani
za razvoj realnog aikidoa. Dok me je publika pozdravljala, iznenada se
javio ucitelj kineske vestine, san-da-e, uzviknuvsi da mo|a tehnika
ni|e dosto|na njegove. 1 to nije sve. On |e krenuo rukom i ja, sta sam
mogao, morao sam da branim svoju vestinu. Njihov idol bio je na podu.
Onda sam se okrenuo publici i rekao: "Ovo je Realni aikido".
Pismeni zadatak jednog decaka "Licnost koja mi sluzi za ugled"
koju cu opisati je moj trener Ljuba, crni pojas 8. Dan. Visokog je
rasta i krupne je grade. Ima svetloplave oci i prosedu kosu. Mnogo voli
da se druzi sa decom. Ljuba mi uvek pomogne kada mi nesto nije jasno.
Trudi se da me nauci svemu sto zna i da ja to upamtim. Prvi put kada
sam dosao na trening nisam znao da vezem pojas. Trener mi je prisao i
pokazao kako se to vezuje. Prejako ga je stegao. Cim sam osetio bol,
znao sam, ako se budem trudio, dobicu spretnost tigra i snagu medveda.
Ljuba uvek govori: "Ovde slabi postaju jaki, a jaki plemeniti i svesni
svoje snage".
Zahvaljujuci svojoj i
trenerovoj upornosti, ja sam za manje od dve godine postao nosilac 2.
kju-a plavog pojasa. Mog trenera sam odabrao zato sto voli svima
nesebicno da pomogne i da prenese sve svoje znanje.
creator of a new art of self-defense Ljubomir Vracarevic has founded
196 schools of real aikido in 27 countries with 120,000 students having
already completed their courses
Bad Guys Have No Chance
aikido provides for women a chance to adjust the techniques to
themselves and their individual type of physique, without having to
partwith their femininity. On the contrary, it offers them an
opportunity to become even more graceful and supple owing to enhancing
their self-awareness to know both what they want and what they can. And
they can do much... My eldest daughter Ana (23) has been training for
18 years and is black belt sixth-degree dan, the highest rank in the
world for women; while the youngei; Sanf'a (15), has been in training
for 11 years and has childrens black belt. The specific feature of real
aikido technique is movement, that is evading the opponents attacks.
The movements are forceful, swift, full of rotating motions so that
masters of real aikido are capable of defending themselves from more
than two or more attackers. The evading movements are used initially,
at moment of attack. Already the next moment one of the very usable
levers is used to block the opponent. In this way, superiority is
displayed, and the attacker not harmed, which is the ultimate aim.
have coached personal bod/guards or several presidents worldwide:
A/lugabe, Gaddafi, Gligorov, Nazarbayev... Coaching bod/guards is among
the most complex tasks. It requires work in stages in every conceivable
and inconceivable situation. I have described many details, from Mugabe
to the Emperors Palace in Tokyo, in my book entitled: "I Coached
Bodyguards". The situations are very realistic, like in a good movie, f
arrange situations on the sea, in the water, air, in the desert, on a
mountain, in an airplane or boat, anywhere. The scenarios oftentimes
border on the fantastic, but each student plays his role as if under
actual circumstances.
Children's Program
smaller children I have conceived some 50 techniques through which they
can through play adopt the basic elements or reacting, moving and
clearing from the line of attack. What is more important, in this way
they improve their mobility, something they will much benefit from
later on in life. We continually talk to the children, explain to them
when they can and should use a certain technique to protect themselves.
The children's program is taught in several countries of the world. It
was thanks to this program that I received a grand recognition from a
Russian Academy of Sciences:" The First .Academician of Real Aikido and
Jiu-jitsu in the World". In a region in Siberia children from 12
schools have for six years already been learning real aikido. What do
you think was the result of this? The biggest problem in these cities
drug abuse among children has dropped 30%-40% percent.
Russians Make A "Walrus"
discipline of training is harsh, just like the Russian winter. But, if
you practice on a regular basis, the body becomes sturdy. In Russia, I
have on several occasions held training sessions of the so-called
"Alfa", special units of Russian Army. We made it a habit to go outside
together without clothes after sauna from 100 to 120 degrees Centigrade
and roll in the snow at the temperature of minus 42 Centigrade. Do you
know what may happen to you at such temperatures: if you should take
hold of your own ear, it remains in your hand! This almost happened to
me in Siberia, but one "Alfa" warned me in time. During winter,
Russians use chain saws to cut the ice and then go swimming. Sport
makes one tougher. This is the reason I hanged at the entrance of the
Real Aikido World Center in Belgrade the ancient wise saying of the
Japanese samurai:
"An individual can do much more than what he believes he can, if he fully believes he can".
No Place for Vanity in Martial Arts
with training, real aikido students learn also self-control and
nobility. Sometimes, however, people who have no control of their own
shortcomings and who are given to provoking somehow find their way into
martial arts. I was recently in the Chinese province ofShing Yang where
they are interested in the developing real aikido. And while the
audience was greeting me, suddenly a Chinese martial art of san-da-e
master appeared, crying out to me that my skills were far from worthy
of his own. And that was not all. He started our towards me, and / had
no other option but to defend my own skills. (Smile). Their idol found
himself on the floor. Then I turned to the audience and said: "This is
A Boy's Written Test "Who Is My Role Model"
person I will proceed to describe is my coach Ljuba, black belt
eighth-degree dan. He is tall and heavyset. He has light blue eyes and
graying hair.
He likes very much to be with children.
always helps me when I need to clarify something. He tries to teach me
everything he knows and makes sure I remember it. The first time I came
for practice I did not know how to tie my belt. The coach came to me
and showed me how it is done. He tightened it too much. As soon as I
felt the pain, I knew, if I try, I would become nimble as a tiger and
strong as a bear.
Ljuba always says: "In this place, the weak become strong, and the strong, noble and conscious of their strength".
Thanks to my own and the coachs perseverance, I have become blue belt second-degree in less than two years.
I have chosen to write about my coach because he likes to help everyone unselfishly and convey to him or her all his knowledge.